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Beautiul woman with clear skin after BBL Photofacial treatment

BBL Photofacial | Reduce Signs of Aging and Skin Imperfections

A BBL Photofacial is a popular treatment cleared by the FDA to restore and rejuvenate the skin. This treatment uses BroadBand light. Also known as photo-rejuvenation and corrective phototherapy treatment, the non-invasive procedure eliminates signs of aging, sun damage and improves a variety of other skin imperfections. In addition, BBL Photofacials are not painful and require no downtime, making them ideal for every client.

Restore your youth and vitality with a BBL Photofacial. To learn more about this popular skin rejuvenation treatment, contact New Beauty and Wellness. We are a leading provider of BBL Photofacials in Westport, CT. Call us at 203-883-5112 to discover if this treatment is right for you and how it can enhance your appearance.

BBL Photofacial Benefits

  • FDA cleared
  • Rejuvenates skin
  • Reverses signs of aging
  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
  • Reduces sun damage
  • Reduce the appearance of freckles
  • Targets noticeable age spots
  • Painless and requires no downtime

BBL Photofacial Before and After*

BBL Photofacial before and after pictures highlight the power of BBL therapy. Each patient achieves a noticeable reduction in signs of aging and skin impurities. As with any cosmetic treatment, results may vary.* However, when administered by a reputable medical clinic, recipients receive skin improvements for a dramatically more youthful appearance.


BBL Photofacial Treatment

Photo facials use energy from BroadBand light to rejuvenate skin. During a Photo facial, the BBL Photofacial laser specialist directs pulses of light at the skin to target any skin imperfections. First, the pulse of light passes safely through the tissue penetrating the deepest layer of skin. Next, the light heats the target area with thermal energy, stimulating a variety of therapeutic responses.

Photo Facials repair and restore the skin in different ways, including:

Repairs Skin Tone and Pigmentation Problems

Sun damage causes pigmentation lesions such as sunspots, also known as brown spots or age spots. It also causes freckles and uneven skin tones. The spots are created by an accumulation of melanin, the skin’s pigment to protect itself from the sun. A BBL Photofacial corrects skin damage by calibrating the wavelength of the BBL to target melanin. The thermal energy absorbs the melanin, causing it to break apart. The body gradually reabsorbs the fragmented melanin. People struggling with melasma can significantly benefit from a BBL Photofacial.

Skin Rejuvenation

During the facial, BroadBand light penetrates the skin and heats the upper layers of the dermis via thermal energy. The energy instantly revitalizes skin, helping it appear more youthful and radiant. It also provides long-term rejuvenation by triggering the body’s natural healing process. This increases collagen production. The increase in collagen restores skin, improves skin tone and textures. In addition, the process reduces fine lines and wrinkles.

Reduces Redness and Improves Vascular Lesions

The thermal energy from the Photofacial treatment improves splotchy skin tone and targets vascular lesions like red spots, broken capillaries, facial veins, port wine stains, and more. Additionally, heating blood vessels below the skin’s surface causes them to constrict. This effectively shrinks small facial veins and reduces redness caused by vascular lesions or rosacea.

Clears Active Acne

Clinical studies highlight a photo facial’s ability to combat active acne in two ways. First, the thermal energy from the BBL light constricts the blood supply of sebaceous glands. This reduces the overproduction of sebum (the skin’s oil that contributes to breakouts.) Secondly, the light energy destroys the bacteria responsible for triggering an acne breakout.

What Can BBL Photo Facials Treat?

Photo Facials using BBL technology are scientifically proven to improve skin conditions and blemishes including:

  • Redness or rosacea
  • Age spots
  • Freckles
  • Small vessels
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Active acne
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Large pores

How Much Do Photofacials Cost?

The cost of a photofacial varies per patient, depending on their specific needs. Factors that affect BBL Photofacial cost are the treatment area and the personal treatment plan created by the laser specialist. The best way to receive your treatment cost is by scheduling a FREE consultation with New Beauty and Wellness. During a complimentary consultation, you can speak directly to a laser specialist. They evaluate your skin and determine if BBL Photofacials are suitable for your skin and needs. If you are the ideal BBL Photofacial candidate, the corrective phototherapy treatment specialist creates a plan that fits your budget.

BBL Photofacial Results

Many BBL Photofacial recipients report seeing results after one treatment. However, most people require 3 to 5 treatments to enjoy the full benefits of BBL light therapy. Treatments are typically spaced one month apart to achieve the correct outcome. As with any treatment, results will vary.* The exact number of Photofacial sessions depends on your specific skin’s needs.

Photofacial Side Effects and Risks

BBL Photofacials are FDA cleared and non-invasive. It is scientifically backed as being safe and effective. Any side effects are rare, and typically no downtime is needed. However, some patients report experiencing mild swelling and redness. If this occurs, it usually dissipates within hours after your treatment.

Individuals who receive the treatment can apply makeup after their photo facial. It is normal for veins to appear red for 2 to 3 days after. Brown spots or freckles may look darker for a week following treatment.

During your consultation with New Beauty and Wellness, you can voice any questions or concerns you may have regarding the side effects and risks.

Why Choose New Beauty and Wellness for BBL Photofacials

New Beauty and Wellness is a premier provider of BBL Photofacials in Westport, CT. They also serve the surrounding communities of Fairfield, Weston, Easton, and New Canaan. We provide relaxing, enjoyable facials in our luxury facility. Each staff member is dedicated to the safety and wellbeing of each person. When you select New Beauty and Wellness for your Photo Facial corrective phototherapy treatment needs, you’re in good hands.

Photofacial Near Me

If you live in Westport, CT, or surrounding areas and want to learn more about the benefits of BBL Photofacials, contact New Beauty and Wellness. Call 203-883-5112 to schedule your free consultation or reach out to us online.

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